Tester Forms

Our Games!


VoidHunters is a PVP based game where the aim is to collect as much concrete as possible! You gather concrete from the points scattered around the map. Each concrete block is banked every minute and added to your final score! You get Credits for both getting kills and gathering concrete and there is also an upgrades GUI (Walkie Talkie) that lets you get upgrades for your base and team!

The game's scoring are as follows

Banked Concrete - 4 Credits (per block)
Kills - 5 Credits

Banked wool is carried through rounds!

Cosmic Combat

Cosmic Combat is a PVP / Sky Wars based game where the aim is to survive and get as many kills as possible! In Cosmic you are given a UFO, the UFO is a custom vehicle that allows you and your team to fly around the map if you have fuel. Loot is scattered around the map in Crates, these crates get better as you get closer to the centre but do not refill! There is also a custom world border that you have to avoid, if you are caught in it you will start taking damage and may die.

The game's scoring are as follows

Survival - 5 Credits (per outlasted player)
Kills - 40 Credits
Round Win - 305 Credits (per player)

Coins may vairy as this game is still in Development.

Wipeout Rush

Wipeout Rush is a Obstacle Styled Parkour Game, where the goal is to pass as many of the obstacles as you can, with the lives provided on each course. Once all lives on a course are lost, you complete a course, or you lock a course with a lockout buzzer, you can no longer enter the course, once all courses are locked, the game isnt over! Players will have until the game ends to complete Infinite Wipeout levels to gain extra points for their teams. 

The games scoring is as follows, and is difficulty specific,
They will be described within the format E(easy): , M(medium): , H(Hard): , X(Extreme): 

Obstacle passed: E: 10 M: 15 H: 20 X: 25 
Course Completion Buzzer: E: 50 M: 75 H: 100 X: 150


Cataclysm is a PVP / Survival Games based game where the aim is to survive and get as many kills as possible! In Cataclysm There are tons of custom items and weapons! These consist of Magic items, Elemental Swords and Guns. Loot is scattered around the map in Crates, these crates refill! There is also a custom world border that you have to avoid, if you are caught in it you will start taking damage and may die.

The game's scoring are as follows

Survival - 5 Credits (per outlasted player)
Kills - 40 Credits
Round Win - 305 Credits (per player)

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Corrupted Caverns

Corrupted Caverns is a Dungeon based horror team-based PVE game. Teams have to explore the caverns while trying to gather materials, loot and credits. In Corrupted Caverns your team will have to repair the caverns old and failing supports and to do so you will have to find materials around the caverns. The further you delve into the caverns the more your corruption bar will go up, if this bar reaches 100% you will be too corrupted to save and will loose all your gathered items and credits. There are also custom monsters that will try to kill you in the caverns, however you will have weapons to defend yourself.

The game's scoring is based off how much loot you can gather from the caverns before you leave or are corrupted to much to move.

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Movement Madness

Movement Madness is the first ever Team Based Movement game! Movement is a relay race where each member of your team picks a movement type to race. The course is over 1000 blocks long however each player will only run one section. There are 5 sections across the course Parkour, Glide, Swim, Blocks and Tokyo Boat. There is also a way to help your teammates get past a hard checkpoint, Possession allows you to take over your teammates body and get them past a checkpoint they are struggling on However you only get 3 uses of this for your entire team!

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on section placements and an overall team finishing bonus

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Task Manager

In Task Manager teams have 12 minutes to complete as many "tasks" as they can before time runs out. Three tasks will appear on the right side of the screen and will ask teams to complete an objective (get a certain item, etc.), awarding points depending on how fast you complete a task. Every three tasks completed, a "special task" will appear, which is harder than normal but will award double the points.

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on each Task ​completed

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Treasure Taggers

In Treasure Taggers the runner has a sack of Money on their back, hitting the player will cause the bag to leak Credits, any Credits the player knocks out of the sack will be awarded to the attackers, any time the runner is hit, they get temporary knock-back immunity. Once the bag breaks, the runner loses, and the chasers each get 10 bonus credits each(30 coins total) for winning.
The runner gets bonus coins based on percentage of coins left in the bag at the end of the round.

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on the players hits / kept credits.

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Speedy Sculptures

Speedy Sculptures is still being debated on how it will work! Come back later to see the whole game​ concept.

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on the players builds.

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Survival Games

Survival Games is still being debated on how it will work! Come back later to see the whole game concept.

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on the players kills.

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Disco Domination

Survival Games is ​a Kit pvp game. There will be 8 kits to choose from and each kit will have unique things about them. There will be 3 rounds that each have modifications e.g. the map changes or there’s a different music track. There are also capture areas, stay within dance floor for 10 seconds to capture it and gain extra points for your team!

The game's scoring is still being worked on!
Scoring will be given based on the players kills and any capture point bonuses.

This Game is still in the Concept Stages and is not finished at all!

Capture The Flag

Capture the Flag is Destiny Games's final game. The top two teams face off in a final battle of pvp and knockback where the goal is to steal the other team’s flag and bring it back to your base! In Capture the Flag you will pick kits at the start of each round, and it is a best of 5 meaning first team to 3 wins is the champion of Destiny Games. To capture a flag simply crouch on the flag zone for three seconds.

The games doesn’t have scoring since it is the final game! The winners will be crowned champions of Destiny Games!

If you stand on your flag zone for more than 10 seconds you will get blindness for flag camping!

Selection Sphere

The Selection Sphere is your teams way to vote for the games you want to see played in the event! At the start of voting all players are given 6 voting tickets, these tickets can be used to add vote one for the game you want to play!

In the future we are planning on adding ways to get more tickets throughout the hub and these will be in the form of tasks or quests!